Oct 12, 2008

Matt Cooke

Alright, now that i've blogged about music about a billion times, im gonna change to my second favorite thing... Hockey... and not just any kind of hockey, Penguins Hockey.
Its the start of a new season, the pens are 1-1-1, not quite the start that i've been hoping for but it'll be alright. This offseason has been one of the most active in quite a while, we resigned Malkin, lost malone, laraque, ruutu, and hossa.. But we also picked up Satan, Fedotenko, and this other guy named Matt Cooke.. I actually really like this pickup, he's a lot like ruutu, he's got grit with a mix of scoring touch... He's a Vancouver Canuks fan favorite and will quickly become a Pittsburgh Penguin fan favorite. Here's his highlites from Vancouver.

1 comment:

BK said...

good to see your posting again. go pens!