May 12, 2008


Hey guys, this blog is really an update on my life as of right now. Lately i've been pretty depressed, not sure why, but through prayer and meditation, im searching my soul. If my mood doesn't seem up to par, its because of my un-sure-ed-ness (is that a word) of my future. Theres so many career choices out there. SO STRESSFUL. I know God has a great plan for me, but how do i fulfill his future goals for me? How am i supposed to know what to do? These questions haunt me at night when im supposed to be sleeping, and at school when im supposed to be working. My piano playing is actually improving (i think), but im not sure what my future with piano holds. I feel like piano/keyboard is all im good at, i know im wrong, but thats all i want to do. Im still writing that song entitled "my prayer", but my perfectionism and idiocy is whats keeping me from finalizing it. I keep writing lyrics, then throwing them away because they're "too cheezy" or not "rhythmically accurate". But other than that, my life hasn't been going that bad, i just got my drivers license today and im really excited about that. I guess in summation, my life has been normal, happy, sad, confused, cloudy, and needing of some good, solid rest.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Hey...I'm proud of you and I know you'll figure it out.
With the song, don't get depressed about that, cuz the exact same thing happens to me and probably everyone else who has ever written music. I would love to hear what you have and maybe we could work on it together and figure out how to finalize it, if not, it's cool but just let me know if you would want to do that.