Jul 11, 2007

Tupac Shakur

I recently watched the movie Tupac - Ressurection. This was basically a video biography of Tupac. This movie opened my eyes to what Tupac was all about. Most of the people who listen to his music would think he's just a thug gangsta rapper who doesn't give a F***. Tupac wasn't only a rap artist. He was in a way a philosipher. He had his own philosophy on life called 
"Thug Life". He declared that the dictionary definition for "thug" as being a criminal was not how 
he used the word. His definition of "thug" was someone who came from oppressive background and had little oppertunity but still made a life for themselves and were ultimately proud. This was an awesome movie and Iwould reccomend it for even non rap fans. This movie gave me a whole new respect for Tupac.


Eric said...

If only...

Rachel said...

CAMORUNY!! This is Rachel Mae Claypool THE FIRST! just letting you know that i have a new blog if you want to check it out my friend!