Nov 14, 2006


Well, I put a lot of thought into this testimony and I felt bad that I didn't have any crazy stories about how my dad beats me, or how I live with my aunt, or anything like that. But then i knew that I don't need a crazy testimony to have an effective testimony. I have been a christian forever. Basically, I became a true christian before i knew what it meant. I just thought i was supposed to, so i did. I've been going to summer camps since 2nd grade when i first went to Ligoneer. I liked Ligoneer and all the things about Ligoneer except for the strictness. I always got in trouble there. When i first went to Youth Group, i didn't like it because i didn't really have a youth pastor or any leaders that really stuck in there with us. I also didn't understand the humor and i thought they were making fun of me when they weren't. I was only a 6th grader and took everything literally. Matt Geiger became our youth pastor and i didn't like him. He didn't get to know any of the middle scholars. This irritated me. Matt Geiger didn't seem to like us or even care about us. All it seemed he cared about was the high scholars and playing Halo. I learned to not care about youth group. I didn't go to Surf City my first year because i didn't think Geiger liked me. Geiger eventually got fired, but that's a whole different story. Our youth group went through a bunch of different leaders, Karla Klokentager, John Pitcher, Darren DePaul, and Catherine Corey. I liked all of them, but i learned to not get close to any of them because they would just leave. We eventually got a Real youth pastor named Ben Kendrew. I didn't know what to think at the start because i thought he would just leave. After i got to know Ben, I found out that he was the real deal and that i could trust him. He started taking us on more than Just the fall Laurelvill, he took us to Seneca Hills and i thought that was a great trip. The best trip that Ben took us on was called Big Stuf. It was the most amazing thing that i had ever experienced or even imagined. During the Thursday night, God made it apparent to me that i should be in the ministry for the rest of my life. Big Stuf changed my life and formed me into who I will become. All in all, Ben Kendrew changed my life and i wouldn't be the person i am today without him.

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