Dec 28, 2006

Lately bored

Well the break has been great. I've been doing a lot of nothing. I got my new keyboard and thats really sweet even though i don't have an amp to use it with. It doesn't have it's own speakers so i use headphones. I've also been playing a variety of video games such as Madden, Halo, Call of Duty, and X-men legends II. Thats fun. But all in all, i'm having a good time home alone. No worries.

Dec 23, 2006

My new perspective on rap

Well, I've listening to a lot of different rap. I've been listening to mostly Will Smith and Blackalicious. I realize that there are a lot of very talented rapers who don't curse a lot in there raps. It also helps me not swear as much. All in all, theres good and bad rap. I still like people like Dre and Eminem, but i'm shying from them.

Dec 19, 2006

Does anyone actually read my blog?

or am i just posting for no reason?

Dec 18, 2006


I recently saw this movie. This is about the training of recruits in the Vietnam war. I found this movie to be pretty pointless. It just didn't have a point. I enjoyed some parts but overall, there was an excessive amout of language in this movie. I'm sure many people like this movie because at the bottom it says "The Best Film Of the Year" but if Bob can hate Santa, I can dislike a movie.

Dec 12, 2006

Ladainian Tomlinson

I feel bad because I never really knew how good LT was, it seemed that he was shadowed by the runningbacks of his era (Shaun Alexander, Priest Holmes, Marshall Faulk) but I now know that he is amazing and will be in the hall of fame. This is to LT the single season scoring record holder.

Dec 11, 2006


My Soon-to-be Keyboard

It's a Korg Triton, you may have seen one in the movie School of Rock, Laurence (the asian keyboard player) Plays one along with a roland (which i don't really like). But this almost exactly like the triton that i'm getting. I'm really pumped.

Dec 5, 2006

Halo 3

Oh my god. This looks soo good. I get like tingles whenever i watch this. And yes, i am a nerd.

Dec 2, 2006

Frank Caliendo Is Genius

This is a video of Frank Caliendo doing impressions on impression week in Letterman.

Nov 21, 2006

Space Camp

I thought this video was so funny, i had to post it again.

Nov 16, 2006

am i related to this dude?

I typed "Schuchman" into google images and this dude showed up

Nov 14, 2006


Well, I put a lot of thought into this testimony and I felt bad that I didn't have any crazy stories about how my dad beats me, or how I live with my aunt, or anything like that. But then i knew that I don't need a crazy testimony to have an effective testimony. I have been a christian forever. Basically, I became a true christian before i knew what it meant. I just thought i was supposed to, so i did. I've been going to summer camps since 2nd grade when i first went to Ligoneer. I liked Ligoneer and all the things about Ligoneer except for the strictness. I always got in trouble there. When i first went to Youth Group, i didn't like it because i didn't really have a youth pastor or any leaders that really stuck in there with us. I also didn't understand the humor and i thought they were making fun of me when they weren't. I was only a 6th grader and took everything literally. Matt Geiger became our youth pastor and i didn't like him. He didn't get to know any of the middle scholars. This irritated me. Matt Geiger didn't seem to like us or even care about us. All it seemed he cared about was the high scholars and playing Halo. I learned to not care about youth group. I didn't go to Surf City my first year because i didn't think Geiger liked me. Geiger eventually got fired, but that's a whole different story. Our youth group went through a bunch of different leaders, Karla Klokentager, John Pitcher, Darren DePaul, and Catherine Corey. I liked all of them, but i learned to not get close to any of them because they would just leave. We eventually got a Real youth pastor named Ben Kendrew. I didn't know what to think at the start because i thought he would just leave. After i got to know Ben, I found out that he was the real deal and that i could trust him. He started taking us on more than Just the fall Laurelvill, he took us to Seneca Hills and i thought that was a great trip. The best trip that Ben took us on was called Big Stuf. It was the most amazing thing that i had ever experienced or even imagined. During the Thursday night, God made it apparent to me that i should be in the ministry for the rest of my life. Big Stuf changed my life and formed me into who I will become. All in all, Ben Kendrew changed my life and i wouldn't be the person i am today without him.

Urlacher is good... Not as good as Bettis

Currently on my Mind

Wow, i'm real excited for J-town. Last year was great and I hope this year is better. Hopefully the band is beter. I just opened a checking account with my mom at Fedelity Bank, it was fun. I'm getting an ATM card, but i'm not allowed to use it until i get the gist of what a checking account is all about.

Nov 13, 2006

Blogger Beta

Yeah, i jumped in, i'm finally on Blogger Beta. I have to admit, its a lot easier with the format and everything. I personally really like the white background.