Oct 30, 2008

Who's a better hockey player

Wayne gretzky is the top scoring leader assists leader and overall points leader ever... mario lemieux is also pretty high up there... but which one is better? this should curve your opinion...

Oct 13, 2008

Mmmmm School

Today instead of getting a ride home from kenny, i decided to walk up to Beverly Road.. Normally this means sitting outside and smoking cigaretts, but today i realized that i had a bunch of homework to do. So i pulled out the ol' books and started reading my english book, Cat's Cradle... Its a pretty good read for high school english. In ended up sitting there for an hour and a half. That was more homework than i've worked on for a long time. I have a bad english grade so it was important that i did this reading... All in all, i've found a good place for me to study, and its outside the coffee tree. Well thats it for this post, say hi to your mother for me

Oct 12, 2008

Matt Cooke

Alright, now that i've blogged about music about a billion times, im gonna change to my second favorite thing... Hockey... and not just any kind of hockey, Penguins Hockey.
Its the start of a new season, the pens are 1-1-1, not quite the start that i've been hoping for but it'll be alright. This offseason has been one of the most active in quite a while, we resigned Malkin, lost malone, laraque, ruutu, and hossa.. But we also picked up Satan, Fedotenko, and this other guy named Matt Cooke.. I actually really like this pickup, he's a lot like ruutu, he's got grit with a mix of scoring touch... He's a Vancouver Canuks fan favorite and will quickly become a Pittsburgh Penguin fan favorite. Here's his highlites from Vancouver.

Sep 24, 2008

Alrigh... i couldn't resist though

This is another video of hotel california... yeah i know, my last post was of this song, but this is possibly the most innovative video collaborations i've ever seen.