Nov 19, 2007

J Town

So i just returned from jtown. It was probably the best jtown for me spiritually. The band was really good, the speaker wasn't bad, and i really think we bonded really well with each other. Football was really fun this year. One thing i remember, is when we locked dylan outside when he had just his shorts on and socks. It was really funny, we asked him to go to the girls cabin, he was too chicken, so i put some shorts on and we both went to the girls cabin shirtless and asked for shirts. It turned out to be pretty fun.

Nov 13, 2007

Paul Carrack - Eyes of Blue

I'm sorry about this, i know this is my second post about music in a row, but music is really a big link to God,  secular or not. This is Paul Carrack, in my opinion, he's one of the best keyboard players/songwriters of all time.  He's truely an inspiration to me.

Nov 8, 2007

Running (dying to live)

Warning: Profanity

This song was mixed after both biggie and tupac died.
It really has a good meaning.
The particular singer really has some good points that i think people (especially gangsters) should listen to.

"You know, I wonder if they'll laugh when I'm dead...
Why am I fighting to live
If I'm just living to fight?
Why am I trying to see
When there ain't nothing in sight?
Why am I trying to give
When no one gives me a try?
Why am I diying to live
If I'm just living to die?"

Nov 1, 2007


Please pray for me, im trying to do something difficult. I'll probably fill you in later.