Dec 13, 2007

Freezepop - Less Talk More Rokk

Ian, you might appreciate this.

Dec 5, 2007


Im pretty pumped

Nov 19, 2007

J Town

So i just returned from jtown. It was probably the best jtown for me spiritually. The band was really good, the speaker wasn't bad, and i really think we bonded really well with each other. Football was really fun this year. One thing i remember, is when we locked dylan outside when he had just his shorts on and socks. It was really funny, we asked him to go to the girls cabin, he was too chicken, so i put some shorts on and we both went to the girls cabin shirtless and asked for shirts. It turned out to be pretty fun.

Nov 13, 2007

Paul Carrack - Eyes of Blue

I'm sorry about this, i know this is my second post about music in a row, but music is really a big link to God,  secular or not. This is Paul Carrack, in my opinion, he's one of the best keyboard players/songwriters of all time.  He's truely an inspiration to me.

Nov 8, 2007

Running (dying to live)

Warning: Profanity

This song was mixed after both biggie and tupac died.
It really has a good meaning.
The particular singer really has some good points that i think people (especially gangsters) should listen to.

"You know, I wonder if they'll laugh when I'm dead...
Why am I fighting to live
If I'm just living to fight?
Why am I trying to see
When there ain't nothing in sight?
Why am I trying to give
When no one gives me a try?
Why am I diying to live
If I'm just living to die?"

Nov 1, 2007


Please pray for me, im trying to do something difficult. I'll probably fill you in later.

Sep 9, 2007

Pivotal Point In my Life

Well yesterday at work around 4 o'clock, i had been doing the usual. I was sitting out behind the shop, smoking... It was my 7th cigarette of the day. I was fine until one of my good friends, Meho, said, "It kills me to see you throw your life away," i was somewhat flabergasted... I thought to myself, i'm not throwing my life away, whats he talking about. "Its really hard to see someone your age smoking and pretty much trying to be a smoker" he continued. "I'm no saint, but if i could go back 20 years ago and never start smoking, i probably wouldn't be working here. I started thinking more, he was right, smoking really is stupid, and no matter how good the buzz, it will just leave you wanting more, and thats how an addiction starts.

By yesterday I was fully blown addicted to tobacco. At the beginning of the summer, i bought a tin of Chew, to celebrate the end of the school year. I know some of my friends knew what flavor it was, so i would continue to buy that flavor, to cover up the fact that i chewed. On the outside, i thought people who chewed were hard, and inwardly, i wanted to be hard. After the Dominican Republic, I started smoking cause it was quicker and easier than chewing. Once the week of surf city rolled around, i had been smoking a little less than a pack a day. I was at the lowest of lows. My addiction to tobacco kept me away from jesus.

Yesterday, i decided to end it all. I decided that jesus, and the realationships that i have with my friends, are more important than anything. Even trying to fit in with the croud. I had always though that the kids who smoked looke cool. And i wanted to be like that. I ended it all yesterday. I got in a feuded argument with one of my mentors about something that i couldn't admit was a problem. At that point, i really just wanted a cigarette, and i feel really stupid for even getting in that argument.

The next month will be incredibally difficult for many reasons. I picked a bad time to quit smoking, School is getting into full swing and thats what i need to focus on. But the only thing that i will be able to focus on is smoking. My withdrawal will be intense, and hard, and i won't get very much sleep. Luckily, i have awesome friends who love me and will help me get through this. The # 1 thing that i need to focus on through all this is Jesus. He will have made me go through this for a reason. I think its to help me become a leader. Please don't feel offended in any way if i am mean to you through this next month or so. Right now i have a huge headache, and i will tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day.

Aug 29, 2007


School has started... Shoot

Aug 12, 2007

Tears In Heaven

I've decided to revamp my blog. I'm gonna try to be a little more spiritual in my blogging about my fealings n'at. But i named my blog "Tears in Heaven" which is a song by Eric Clapton. This song touches my heart for many reasons. Lyrically, the song is incredible, Eric Clapton wrote it as a ballad about the pain he felt when his 4 year-old son died. Knowing that makes me want to cry because no one deserves to lose a young child. One of the most powerful things that i learned is that around 2004, Clapton stopped performing the song live because he's gotten over it, and every time he sings it, emotions are brought back which are too strong to bear.

Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven
Will it be the same
If I saw you in heaven
I must be strong, and carry on
Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven

Would you hold my hand
If I saw you in heaven
Would you help me stand
If I saw you in heaven
I'll find my way, through night and day
Cause I know I just can't stay
Here in heaven

Time can bring you down
Time can bend your knee
Time can break your heart
Have you begging please
Begging please


Beyond the door
There's peace I'm sure.
And I know there'll be no more...
Tears in heaven

Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven
Will it be the same
If I saw you in heaven
I must be strong, and carry on
Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven

Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven

Aug 8, 2007

Pittsburgh Rap on the Rise

Last week on facebook, I went to groups and just looked up "Pittsburgh Rap" one of the groups that I found was entitled "Support Wiz Khalifa - Put Pittsburgh on the hip-hop map!" so I clicked on the link and I saw that Wiz Khalifa is obviously a rapper from Pittsburgh. One thing that i noticed about this kid is that he's 18 and has gold records on his wall. With this kind of thing, you cant just take my word for the fact that he's good. So just watch this video of his song called "Pittsburgh Sound" its real good.

Jul 11, 2007

Tupac Shakur

I recently watched the movie Tupac - Ressurection. This was basically a video biography of Tupac. This movie opened my eyes to what Tupac was all about. Most of the people who listen to his music would think he's just a thug gangsta rapper who doesn't give a F***. Tupac wasn't only a rap artist. He was in a way a philosipher. He had his own philosophy on life called 
"Thug Life". He declared that the dictionary definition for "thug" as being a criminal was not how 
he used the word. His definition of "thug" was someone who came from oppressive background and had little oppertunity but still made a life for themselves and were ultimately proud. This was an awesome movie and Iwould reccomend it for even non rap fans. This movie gave me a whole new respect for Tupac.

Jul 6, 2007


Transformers was a big suprise for me. Going into the movie i thought it would be kinda fun like TMNT. But it was actually one of if not the best movie i have ever seen. FOR REAL. Shia LaBouf did a very good job. This film had everything i want in any movie, great comedy, great action, and of course, very hot girls. The storyline was awesome as well. All in all, i give it 5 out of 5.

Jun 24, 2007

Big Stuf 07

Wow Big Stuf was amazing. So good. The worship was good. The Talks were real. and I got a lot out of it. Not very much for me to say about it.

Jun 5, 2007


Well, school's almost over. Only 5 days left. We still have finals but it really sucks how late in the school year they are. Its right when everyone want's to be done. Finals really are the worst. I don't really feel like working or anything, i feel like sleeping. Just, i'm ready for school to be over.

May 16, 2007

Steelers Draft Reflections

1st round. The steelers took Lawrence Timmons, he ran something like a 4.3 and that is very fast for a linebacker. He probably won't be used like joey porter because he's not that big. He's more of a cover linebacker.
2nd round. Lamarr woodley. Origionally listed as a DE, woodley has switched to linebacker in camp. I think this will be good because he's a very large man and will fill porters vacancy.
I found this draft as a little of a stretch because we drafted 2 lbs and a punter. But eh. I think in a few years, these guys will be good.

May 7, 2007


In music tech, i have to make a video for my final project, so if anyone has a camera, can i please borrow it?

Apr 30, 2007

I cant find my wallet

And i'm really stressed out about it

Apr 10, 2007


The Presige

This past week i saw the movie The Prestige. I didn't like this movie too much, the plot was just unentertaining to me. The all around plot line was what killed it.The brightest spot of this movie was Scarlett Johansson. Man, she's good looking. All in all, if you would like to wast 2 hours and 10 minutes of your life, then go ahead and watch it.

Apr 8, 2007

Blades of Glory

I went to see this movie last night. Not much to say about it. It's just real funny. I recommend it.

Mar 25, 2007


TMNT was the best movie i have seen in a long while. (i didn't see 300 though, i heard it was sick) TMNT had a lot of the things you would like to see in a teenage mutant ninja turtle movie. It had plot, comedy, and action. The real plot was behind Raphael's struggle handeling authority with Leonardo, and controlling his anger. My favorite scene in the entire movie was when Leonardo and Nightstalker/Raphael fight. I believe that that was the turning point for Raphael. The movie was nice and short leaving us hanging for the next movie to come out. My favorite character; Mighelangelo was portrayed as an idiot skater, and i didn't like that portrayal of him. "Michelangelo is a party dude" but not an idiot. All in all, I believe that this film did the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles justice and I'm pumped for TMNT II.

PS. those pictures are really posters and i plan on buying every one of them

Mar 8, 2007

Steelers NFL Draft 2007

I know that Eric already posted about this, but i believe that I have some different views on our team. One major problem for the steelers last year was that Ben Roethlisberger had a lot of trouble getting comfortable in the pocket. This is due to our tackles. Our tackles are oversized guards. They cant frickin pass block. Ben Roethlisberger had someone in his face for most of the game. Which brings up the point of what tackle we should draft. The two best tackels, Levi Brown and Joe Thomas will probably already be taken by the Dolphins and the Lions. I believe that the Steelers can keep their 1st round pick and trade up after that for an early second or late first pick and try to snagg Arron Sears from Tennessee. Not the ideal size at 6-4 317, but he is a pure pass blocker. I really believe this guy could genuinely help the steelers rid of guys like Adalius Thomas and the big nasty dudes from baltimore (who still in my mind are our only competition). Which brings me to my second point. What should we do with our 15th overall pick? I think the answer is simple. The best linebacker in the nation. His name is Paul Posluszny. This guy is the whole package. At 6-3 238, his size is no issue. He's also fast like a joey porter. Many see him falling to teams possibly like the Saints because not many other teams simply need him. Just ask Steve Kokan how good he is. If we don't trade our second round pick up for Arron Sears, I think we should try to look at who we lost in this offseason. One major loss was the probowl center, Jeff Hartings. I didn't see much from Chukky Okobi this year in his 5th year in the NFL. I think someone like Ryan Kalil would be good. He's from USC so he might need to try to adjust to the cold weather. Also, if we don't look in that direction, we should look at a defensive end. This choice obviously depends on whether Mike Tomlin wants to keep the 3-4, or go into his renound Cover 2 scheme. Someone like Ray McDonald would be good, because he has played end and tackle, so he can stop the run and also get some pressure on the QB. For the third round, I would like the Steelers to think about their receivers and see if theyre happy with Hines Ward, Santonio Holmes, and 3 other mediocre/returning WR. And remember folks, Hines Ward turned 31 today (3/8/07) and though hes tough, he takes a beating every time he goes onto the field. He wont stick around forever. But i'm a personal believer in Nate Washington. So moving on. I think maybie a CB, but i think Bryant McFadden and Ike Taylor could elinimate some of they're metal mistakes and then would become good, if not great. Thats what i think about the draft, i hope i didn't go too in depth for you guys.

Mar 4, 2007

Hot metal

Today i had an excellent oppertunity to go the the Hot Metal church. If you don't already know, Hot Metal is a contemporary presbyterian church on the south side.  First off, this was one of the most diverse goup of people i've seen. From 
big black men to emo people, it was awesome It was an amazing experience,
everyone was really into the worship, and the skit was really compelling, and i never
looked at the story about Peter and John that way before. Afterwards, there
was a free lunch which was awesome. All in all, if you want to try a different
worship experience, i would recomend this place.

Feb 27, 2007

44 wings

44 wings is 1 different than the previous record. I was told to blog about this accomplishment. So i did. I got a WWE belt for my accomplishment. I was told to take a picture of me and the belt but i figure that everyone that reads my blog will be at youth group tomorrow, and also, i cant find my camera. Well all i know is that i am the eating champion in all contests in mlupc. Still in my prime, i'm on my way to break my own records.

Feb 19, 2007

Gridiron Gang

I recently rented a movie called gridiron gang and i personally really liked it. Since the movie "Scorpion king, i havn't really wanted to see another movie with the rock in it. But the rock did a real good job. This isn't really a football movie in the sense of that its more about building character through football. I'd give it 3.5/5 because it was just lacking some things. But all in all, good movie.

Feb 1, 2007

life update

Lately i've been very busy with mostly football and work. 
Work is very hard in the sense that it is actually a skill and 
i'm not too good at it yet. 
Football is obviously hard as well because of how physically 
demanding it is, but it's good for me and i need it.
School is getting better, doing more of my homework and my 
grades are improving. 

Jan 23, 2007

TMNT New Trailer

This is the newest trailer for TMNT it was released on January 17. I am so freaking pumped.

For some reason i can't get the video to work on this so watch it here

Jan 18, 2007

Jan 15, 2007

life can change a lot in a week

Last monday, i wasn't doing anything. I didn't play any sports and i had no income. On wednesday i went to the football coach and told him that i wan't to play. He said i would start the next day. I was a little suprised, but its ok. I lifted on thursday and friday. Today, i went to little nippers and asked for a job. They hired me up front and i worked from 10:30 this morning until 7:00 tonight. It was a difficult day. I prepared the dough for pizza and bread sticks. I also cleaned and helped stock. One good thing is that i already will get a pretty good pay check. I also get free food whenever i'm hungary. That tells you how much can change in a week.

Jan 10, 2007

I will miss you Bill Cowher

One of the best coaches ever.

Jan 6, 2007

i'm effed

well, my grades have rapidly been falling since like a week before break, and now its like 2 weeks away from the simester ending. I'm actually working really hard, try to pray for me.